A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was
engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA
Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?
Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always
known there was a possibility, the fact is,
we were warned off!(by the Aliens). There was
never any question then of a space station or a
moon city.
Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?
Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that
their ships were far superior to ours both in
size and technology - Boy, were they
big!...and menacing!
No, there is no question of a space station.
Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?
Armstrong: Naturally - NASA was committed at that time,
and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really
was a quick scoop and back again.
Armstrong confirmed that the story was true(阿姆斯特朗证实这是个真实的故事) but refused to go into further detail, beyond admitting that the CIA was behind
the cover-up.