koogc 发表于 2010-3-23 14:38 只看TA 1楼 |
人气慢摇 小语种 ce frumoasa e iubirea - giulia 听上一次便彻底沦陷 Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea - 灵动的旋律!超好听!罗马尼亚美女Giulia的单曲Ce Frumoasa E Iubirea,听上一次便彻底沦陷 ![]() 歌词: 罗马尼亚语: A: Fiecare clipa pictata-n roz, Tre'sa recunosc,iti apartine... Si nici macar eu nu ma cunosc Asa cum ma stii pe mine.. Ma tem uneori ca ai sa pleci Si nu vreau sa ma lasi fara tine... Iar eu nu sunt eu... De fapt,fara tine,sunt nimeni... 英语 A: Every moment, painted in pink I have to admit, it’s yours... And i don’t even know myself Like you know me I am sometimes afraid that you would leave And i don’t want (you) to leave me without you And i am not me... Actually without you, i am nobody... ---------- Ce frumoasa e iubirea Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat! Ce frumoasa e iubirea Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat! How beautiful love is When you spoil me with your pure smile! How beautiful love is When everything you say, comes true! ---------- Ficare clipa trecuta-n alb A insemna ca tu fost departe Uneori ma intreb daca esti real Sau inchipuit din printr-o carte! Ma tem uneori ca ai sa pleci Si nu vreau sa ma lasi fara tine... Iar eu nu sunt eu... De fapt,fara tine,sunt nimeni... Every moment marked as blank Means that you were far away Sometimes, i wonder if you are real Or figured from some book And i don’t want (you) to leave me without you And i am not me... Actually without you, i am nobody... --------- Refren: Ce frumoasa e iubirea Cand ma alinti cu zambetul tau curat! Ce frumoasa e iubirea Cand tot ce spui devine adevarat! How beautiful love is When you spoil me with your pure smile! How beautiful love is When everything you say, comes true! ---------- Ma cuprinzi incet..ma stangi la piept Imi spui ca nu..n-ai sa pleci prea curand... You embrace me slowly... you huddle me at your chest You tell me that no... you won’t leave to soon.... 下载地址: http://music.haihaidj.com/music1.mp3 [ 本帖最后由 koogc 于 2010-3-23 14:39 编辑 ] |
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