
[转帖] 瑞士牛油辫子包




650克 面包粉

100克 黑麦粉

350毫升 温牛奶

11克 干酵母

45克 蜂蜜

1/2小勺 食盐

75克 低脂牛油


1个 蛋黄

1大勺 牛奶

20克 罂粟子(可选)

20克 芝麻(可选)


650 g Bread flour

100 g Rye flour

350 ml Lukewarm milk

11 g Dry active yeast

45 g Honey

½ tsp Salt

75 g Low-fat butter


1 pc Egg yolk

1 tbsp Milk

20 g Poppy seeds (optional)

20 g Sesame seeds (optional)

1. 干酵母放进暖牛奶溶解,静待5分钟备用。混合面粉,食盐和蜂蜜到搅拌盆里,然后倒入酵母液。低速搅拌稍微成团,加入牛油将面团揉搓至离开搅拌盆四周且有弹性。盖好放到暖处发酵1-2小时直到双倍大。

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm milk and let stand until creamy and starting to bubble, about 5 minutes. Combine together the flours, salt, and honey in a mixing bowl, then pour in the yeast mixture. Mix on low speed until roughly incorporated, stir in the butter. Knead until the mixture forms a ball and pulls away from the sides of the bowl. Cover with a damp cloth and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, 1 to 2 hours.

2. 面团排出气体后分成2份,一份用湿布先盖上,一份匀分成3份。手稍微扑点粉,将面团揉搓成两头稍尖的长条状,约40厘米左右。3份面团竖放,用手轻捏住尖端处,将旁边两条分别朝着中间编织成辫子。两端捏紧后往下扣住,放到铺了烤纸的烤盘上。同样也把另一半的面团编好成辫子放到烤盘上。盖好面团进行最后45分钟的发酵。

Punch down the dough and divide in half. Cover one half with plastic wrap and divide the other half into 3 equal pieces. Using lightly floured hands, roll each piece into a 40cm-long rope with tapered ends. Arrange the 3 ropes side by side pointing toward you and just touching. Starting in the middle and working toward your body, braid the ropes together, bringing the outside ropes over the center one. Pinch the ends to seal and tuck them under and transfer the loaf to a baking tray lined with baking paper. Repeat with the remaining dough. Cover the loaves with kitchen towels and let rise for 45 minutes.

3. 把蛋黄和牛混合后刷在面团上,然后洒满罂粟子和芝麻。入预热190C/375F的烤箱中层烘焙35-45分钟直到金黄即可。烘焙过程中如果觉得颜色过深,就盖上锡纸。烤好后放到架上放凉切片食用。

Mix the egg yolk with milk and brush the loaves with the egg glaze. Top the doughs with the poppy and sesame seeds. Bake the loaves in the middle of the preheated 190C/375F oven for 35 to 45 minutes, or until they are golden. Loosely cover the loaves with foil if they become too brown during baking. Transfer to a rack and let cool thoroughly before slicing.




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