总共收集了Devics的6张专辑 百听不厌
想想他们的名字 Devics 一种神话中将人们护送至昏暗的 黎明深处的天使 听Devics的声音 眼前浮现的是某个无人的街区酒吧街道 一个醉酒的女人 在无人的角落 蹒跚步履 虽然他们的歌 听起来有点颓颓的 我想 在我的理解里 最奇妙的是 总能将人心中隐藏的希望 在沧桑与婉转的吟唱中 抖落出来
专集名称: The Stars at Saint Andrea
发行日期: 2003
1.red morning
2.don't take it away
3.in your room
4.my true love
5.all your beautiful trees
6.the end and the beginning
7.safer shores
8.connected by a string
9.stretch out your arms
http://www.atiao.com/music/mirro ... 20red%20morning.mp3
Devics - red morning
streams of streets that seem to change you
but you know they'll always find you
no one ever really knows you in light of the heart that beats over your head
until you listen to it
until you run right to it n
there's no right way to do it
it's the light of the heart that beats over your head
turn up the stereo I can't hear when you talk so loud
I want to go wherever it goes I want to be there in the red red red red morning
you found places to stimulate you but you know they'll never change you
you could run forever and find that the heart still beats over your head
turn up the stereo I can't hear when you talk so loud Q0Nyqhvi
I want to go wherever it goes I want to be there in the red red morning